And then there were 10. Introducing the P’s of Marketing X
October 1, 2015
How many P’s of Marketing are there?
Way back in Marketing 101, I was taught the 5 P’s of Marketing. As I’ve worked in marketing since 1989 (over 25 years now), I’ve refined the list and am now updating it to include 10 P’s.
The 10 Ps of Marketing (a.k.a. P’s of Marketing X)
1. Product
2. Price
3. Placement
4. Promotion
5. People
6. Positioning
7. Packaging
8. Persistence
9. Parasitism
X. Partnership
The purpose of the P’s of marketing is to help us analyze areas of our marketing efforts to determine what is or isn’t working.
An interesting aspect of the 10 Ps is that a company does not have to perform well in all P’s to be successful. They might have achieved success through just one or a few of the Ps. Likewise, a company might be doing well in most of the P’s, but fail because of an insurmountable problem with one of the P’s.
The Ps – and more effectively, this full list of 10 P’s – provide a complete framework to assess our marketing programs.
More details on the 10 Ps coming soon.
Marketing Ground Zero is the marketing blog of Abra Marketing, a full-service ad agency based in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California.