Your Local Digital Marketing Agency
May 5, 2016
Digital Marketing In Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa digital marketing agency, Abra Marketing is proud to be locally focused in Sonoma County. Abra was founded in Santa Rosa in 1999. Founder Kurt Hoffmann had worked in marketing since 1989 before starting the agency. Our initial services focused on website design/website development and graphic design, however having worked in marketing for 10 years prior, we quickly found that the value we brought to our clients was not just in providing great website or graphic design projects, but the strategic marketing insight we brought to the table.
We helped clarify the purpose of the project and how it should be executed to help drive business for the client. To this end, we’ve never just built websites produced ads, but always have viewed projects as part of our work to help the client drive sales.

We help our clients with everything from having a strategically marketing-driven website, to search engine optimization (SEO), to social media and online advertising.
Digital Marketing Services
The agency quickly evolved to add digital marketing services, back then primary search engine optimization, but we also created a range of sophisticated programming applications that helped give our clients a competitive advantage.
We have frequently helped our clients benefit from new technologies/media before they became must-haves for marketing a company. From just having a strategically marketing-driven website, to search engine optimization (SEO), to social media and online advertising, Abra Marketing has been at the forefront of digital marketing.
We also have developed best-practices for website development and can provide a website audit.
If you are looking for a digital marketing agency, we’d be happy to talk to you!