Big Marketing For Small Businesses
January 24, 2014
There’s no question that the emergence of the internet forever changed the world of marketing. Before virtual reality took over, small business marketing was often limited to the audience you could afford to reach within the few surrounding zip codes. While the web is now over saturated with an infinite number of businesses, the marketing playing field has also been leveled quite a bit for small businesses who want to compete with large companies.
Big Marketing With Small Business Marketing Principles
If you think about it, marketing online is kind of just like heading out into a really big neighborhood to promote your business. Banner ads are the new version of the ads you would put in your local paper, search results are the new phone book, social media is the word of mouth you would get at the corner market, people can “pop in” to your online store on their lunch break the same as they would if they were down the street from you… it’s all about doing good business, having a strong promotional message, and making yourself visible.
Playing With The Big Boys
At Abra, we like to approach marketing as a full-scale process where we help you define who you are as a small business, create a strong message around it, and deliver that message through multiple mediums. One great example is our client Shasta Orthopaedics. They are orthopaedics specialists based out of Redding, California, with additional offices in Red Bluff and Chester, California. Abra has worked with promoting a consistent Shasta Orthopaedics vision in everything from print marketing, to web development, to video marketing, online reputation management and search engine optimization. This integrative approach to marketing a local business has generated nationwide attention for them.
Because of Abra’s efforts, Shasta Orthopaedics has been extremely visible in search engines for several years, having them neck and neck with the leaders in their industry. Just Google “orthopaedics blog” and see who is at the top. Recently, their website was discovered in search results by the show “The Doctors”, and the “In View” Profiles Series with Larry King. Both resulted in Shasta Orthopaedics receiving promotion on the shows.
Visit the Shasta Orthopaedics blog for more on the “In View” Profiles Series With Larry King.
A Small Business Can Have Big Success
The internet is truly full of possibility for small businesses. The great thing about online marketing is that it allows companies to keep their integrity and homegrown identities, while reaching a larger audience. We have the opportunity to take the principles of local marketing, and expand them on a larger scale. The way we see it, your business is never to small for big success.